// Enqueue the JavaScript file for Brazilian Portuguese Tarot Reading function tarot_reading_portugeseb_enqueue_scripts() { if (is_front_page() && strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/pt-br/') !== false) { // Check if it's the homepage and has /pt-br wp_enqueue_script('tarot-reading-portugeseb-js', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/tarot-reading-portugeseb.js', array('jquery'), '1.0.1', true); wp_localize_script('tarot-reading-portugeseb-js', 'ajax_object_portugeseb', array('ajax_url' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php', 'https'))); } } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'tarot_reading_portugeseb_enqueue_scripts'); // Function to classify cards as Major or Minor Arcana in Brazilian Portuguese function classify_tarot_cards_portugeseb($cards) { // List of all Major Arcana cards in Brazilian Portuguese $major_arcana = array( "O Louco", "O Mago", "A Sacerdotisa", "A Imperatriz", "O Imperador", "O Hierofante", "Os Enamorados", "O Carro", "A Força", "O Eremita", "A Roda da Fortuna", "A Justiça", "O Enforcado", "A Morte", "A Temperança", "O Diabo", "A Torre", "A Estrela", "A Lua", "O Sol", "O Julgamento", "O Mundo" ); $classified_cards = array(); foreach ($cards as $card) { if (in_array($card, $major_arcana)) { // Use Brazilian Portuguese terminology: "Arcanos Maiores" $classified_cards[] = "$card - Arcanos Maiores"; } else { // Use Brazilian Portuguese terminology: "Arcanos Menores" $classified_cards[] = "$card - Arcanos Menores"; } } return $classified_cards; } // AJAX handler for fetching Brazilian Portuguese tarot reading function get_tarot_reading_portugeseb() { if (empty($_POST['card_names'])) { wp_send_json_error('Parâmetros ausentes'); exit; } $user_question = sanitize_text_field($_POST['user_question']); $card_names = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['card_names']), true); // Classify cards as Major or Minor Arcana in Brazilian Portuguese $classified_cards = classify_tarot_cards_portugeseb($card_names); // Prepare the prompt $prompt = "As cartas de tarô selecionadas são: " . implode(", ", $classified_cards) . "."; if (!empty($user_question)) { $prompt .= " O usuário perguntou: " . $user_question . ". Faça uma leitura de tarô focada na resposta para essa pergunta."; } else { $prompt .= " Faça uma leitura de tarô interpretando as cartas selecionadas."; } // Make request to ChatGPT API $response = wp_remote_post('https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions', array( 'method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 60, 'headers' => array( 'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . CHATGPT_API_KEY, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', ), 'body' => json_encode(array( 'model' => 'gpt-4o-mini', 'messages' => array( array('role' => 'system', 'content' => 'Você é um leitor de tarô. Forneça uma leitura reflexiva e concisa do tarô, focando na interação entre as combinações de cartas. Se cartas dos Arcanos Maiores forem escolhidas, inicie a leitura com 1-2 frases destacando a quantidade de cartas dos Arcanos Maiores e Menores, sua raridade e significado. Use uma linguagem encorajadora e inspiradora, evite negrito e utilize emojis. A estrutura da resposta deve ser dividida em vários parágrafos, cada um com no máximo três frases. O último parágrafo deve resumir os pontos principais e oferecer sugestões práticas. Sempre responda em português brasileiro.'), array('role' => 'user', 'content' => $prompt) ), 'temperature' => 0.7, 'max_tokens' => 700, )), )); if (is_wp_error($response)) { wp_send_json_error('Erro na solicitação: ' . $response->get_error_message()); exit; } $body = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response), true); if (isset($body['choices'][0]['message']['content'])) { $reading = trim($body['choices'][0]['message']['content']); wp_send_json_success(array('message' => $reading)); } else { $error_message = isset($body['error']['message']) ? $body['error']['message'] : 'Erro desconhecido'; wp_send_json_error('Erro na resposta da API: ' . $error_message); } } add_action('wp_ajax_get_tarot_reading_portugeseb', 'get_tarot_reading_portugeseb'); add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_get_tarot_reading_portugeseb', 'get_tarot_reading_portugeseb'); Free Tarot Reading with Christine | Psychology & AI Tarot | Try Now

Meet Christine, an expertly trained tarologist that incorporates her knowledge of psychology, using tarot cards as a tool for intuitive guidance.

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Pick Your Tarot Deck

Sit still for a moment and connect to your intuition. Which deck are you drawn to? Click to pick and let your tarot card reading begin.


You’ve Drawn These Cards - They Hold The Answers You Seek

These three cards have come to you with purpose, reflecting your current intuitive energy and offering insight meant for this moment. Click 'Interpret My Cards' to uncover your personalized reading.

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Your Reading is Ready...

And will be ready in just a few seconds.

The expertly trained AI tarologist is now personalizing your tarot card reading to interpret your spread, offering fresh insights based on your question and the cards’ symbolism.

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How Does Online AI Tarot Reading with Christine Work?

Ask a Question

Focus on what matters most: relationships, career, personal growth, or life transitions. Christine’s reading offers the guidance you need.

Choose a Deck

Christine’s readings use the traditional Rider–Waite Tarot. Focus your energy, choose a deck, and let it draw cards guided by your intent, providing insights unique to your journey.

Get Your Reading

Christine will provide a reading that combines psychological insight with traditional tarot symbolism, delivering insights tailored to your journey.

Enjoy Personalized Guidance

Return with new questions or revisit insights as your journey unfolds, ensuring continuous personal growth and deeper understanding.


Get to Know All Our AI Tarologists

While Christine specializes in blending psychology and tarot to provide profound insights, you can also explore readings from our other tarologists.

Our standard readings are delivered by our expert tarologist, Ollie. Christine, Julien, and Sam are premium tarologists, each offering a distinctive and elevated approach to tarot.

Tarologist Ollie


Our all-rounder and entry-level tarologist, Ollie combines ethical principles with an intuitive approach, offering clear and accessible guidance.


Combines psychological insight with tarot symbolism, offering deeply reflective and empowering guidance tailored to personal growth.


Explores the mystical and spiritual aspects of tarot reading, uncovering deeper meanings and profound personal connections.


Brings a no-nonsense, yet compassionate approach, delivering practical advice with a touch of sassy humor and a confidence boost.


What Makes Christine’s Tarot Unique?

Christine’s readings combine the timeless symbolism of tarot with modern psychological insights, offering personalized guidance rooted in your unique journey.

Tarot originated in the 15th century as a card game and evolved into a powerful tool for self-reflection by the 18th century. Each card carries meaning, offering perspectives on life’s challenges and opportunities.
Online AI tarot enhances this tradition by using your focus and intention to guide card selection. Christine’s AI interprets the spread with accuracy, blending traditional meanings with her psychological expertise to create truly personalized readings.


Ready to Start Your Journey?

Whether you're seeking answers or simply exploring, our Al Tarot Readings are here to guide you.

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